
  • Adipon Euajarusphan Thammasat University


Television Programs, Farmer, Digital Television, Thailand


          The objectives of this research were to 1) study the situation of agricultural programs of digital television stations, 2) study the formats and contents of agricultural programs and assess roles and functions of moderators of Agricultural programs, and 3) study the formats of direct advertisements and tie - ins in each Agricultural program. This study was conducted based on the qualitative research method, content Analysis, and recorded data in coding sheet. The research results showed eight agricultural - related television programs, with a total broadcasting time of 355 minutes/week. The TV programs were based on magazine format and received “Thor” ratings (General Audiences). It was also found that contents of the programs consisted of upstream agricultural activities, such as cultivation, animal husbandry, and care; midstream agricultural activities, such as enhancement of agricultural product standards, agricultural system management, utilization of agricultural innovation and technology; and downstream agricultural activities, such as marketing channels. Program presentations can be divided into seven formats, lectures, interviews, demonstrations, conservations, game shows, questions and answers, and narration. A program may apply several presentation formats. The roles and functions of agricultural programs, moderators, and participants can be classified in to nine types. The researcher noted that moderators' roles are often linked to other roles, especially advertisements and promotions of products and organizations. Moderators must act as representatives of products or organizations which would lead to more types of tie - in advertisements. Advertisements in agricultural programs can be divided into three formats, including spot direct advertisements, tie - ins and non - direct advertisements and tie - ins. Tie - ins are presented in various dimensions, including graphics, contents, objects, persons, and logo.


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How to Cite

Euajarusphan, A. . (2021). SITUATIONS, FORMATS AND ROLES OF AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMS OF DIGITAL TELEVISION IN THAILAND. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(9), 160–175. Retrieved from



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