Self-Breast Massage Program, Milk Ejection, Cesarean MothersAbstract
The objectives of this research article was to compare the mean milk flow scores among caesarean mothers between groups who received the manual breast massage program and the group receiving regular nursing care. There was a two - group research model to measure the results after the experiment. The sample was cesarean mothers who received antenatal services, maternity and postpartum rehabilitation at a hospital in the south. A sample of 34 simple random samples was selected that met the specified criteria. It was divided into the experimental group and the control group, each of which was 17 persons. The experimental group received a manual breast massage program. The control group received regular nursing care. Collect information using a personal record form manual breast massage record and milk flow assessment form. The instrument passed a content straightforward check by three experts and the content accuracy index of .80 was tested. The trial was performed on 20 cesarean mothers with a value of .90. Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Mann - Whitney test. The results showed that cesarean mothers who received the manual breast massage program had a higher mean score of milk flow after 24 and 48 hours than those who received regular nursing care with statistical significance (Z = 3.493 p = 0.000), (Z = 3.431 p = 0.001) respectively. The results of this study found that manual breast massage had an effect on milk flow, improving milk flow. Therefore, the breast self - massage program should be applied to promote breastfeeding in caesarean mothers.
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