Job Performance, Vocational Education Teachers, Collective EfficacyAbstract
The objectives of this research article was to developing the effectiveness of job performance development program for vocational education teachers. The subjects consisted of 30 teachers, 15 teachers in the experimental group and 15 teachers in control group. Each group will take pretest - posttest - follow up. The experimental group received the treatment program, while the control group did not. Instruments used in this study included the job performance development program for vocational education teachers, a scale on self - job performance and on perceptions of coworker - job performance. Independent sample t - test and One - Way Repeated Measures (ANOVA) was utilized for the data analysis. Findings were as follows: 1) posttest and follow up scores of self - job performance and perceptions of coworker - job performance of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group, and 2) posttest and follow up scores of self - job performance and perceptions of coworker - job performance of the experimental group were higher than the pretest scores at .001 level of significance. It implied that the treatment program was effective. From the findings, it was assumed that the treatment program was effective which helped to improve job performance. Therefore, it is beneficial for the development of vocational education teachers potential and extends the results to the development of vocational students as well.
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