
  • Nachatorn Robkob Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University
  • Nopparat Chairuang Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University
  • Choosak Ekapetch Surat Thani Rajabhat University


Model, Administration, Good Governance Principles, Vocational Institute, South


          The objectives of this research article were to 1) examine problems and needs for developing the administration applied by good governance, 2) create and develop a model for such administration, and 3) verify as well as affirm the feasibility for the model being applied in the south vocational educational institute1. This study applied a Mixed-methods research design. Concerning the research methodology applied in this study, the data was analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis: (EFA). The research comprised 322 samples: 45 college executives, 183 teachers, and 94 college staff members. It also included 2 executives of college in the areas of the south vocational educational institute1 whose data was collected by using an in-depth interview. The total number of samples was then 324. The research instruments were questionnaires, 5-level estimation scale. In-depth interview. Suitability assessment and Feasibility assessment form. Concerning data analysis, the statistics were used, which included frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The findings were below. 1) The students lacked responsibilities and prioritized knowledge over morality, their teachers were not capable of doing research, the services did not satisfy the communities’ needs, insufficient maintenance of art and culture, as well as local wisdoms and bad good governance, were found, needs for development in terms of responsibility, discipline, research, participation, maintenance of art and culture were required, and a model for good governance emphasizing transparency, morality, and cooperation with workplaces were needed. 2) The creation and development of the model included 8 components: the rule of law, morality, responsibility, transparency, participation, equality, worthiness, and effectiveness. 3) Another finding on affirming the model revealed that it was suitable and rated at the highest level while its feasibility was likewise at the same level.


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How to Cite

Robkob, N., Chairuang, N. ., & Ekapetch, C. . (2021). THE MODEL OF GOOD GOVERNANCE ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE COLLEGE IN SOUTH VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE 1. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(11), 242–258. retrieved from



Research Articles