Development Program, Improvement, Educational Administrators, Digital AgeAbstract
The objectives of the research article were to: 1) developing a program to improve school administrators in the digital age of secondary schools, and 2) evaluate by using of educational program administrators in the digital age of secondary schools. This was development research by conducting research such as 1) study the conceptual framework of research by document analysis 2) study condition and need to strengthen. Using questionnaire improvement program by selected a specific sample as administrators of the school, consisting of 125 persons, and 3) study model and development of educational programs for administrators in the digital era by using a semi-structured interview and public hearing seminar that select a specific example of educational institution administrator, and academician including 20 persons. This was using average statistics standard deviation and paired t-test by analyzing the content and summarizing as a whole. It was found that 1) The development of educational programs for administrators. These are Phase 1 online training, Phase 2 hands-on training and PLC processes, and Phase 3, follow-up and evaluation. The contains 6 modules of program development activities that include with 1.1) creativity such as Initiative, agile, flexible, and thorough, 1.2) self-directed learning like analyzing one's own needs, set learning objectives, plan learning and seek scientific resources, 1.3) teamwork including communication, ability, and learning exchange activities, 1.4) integration of ideas such as learning processes, and connect relationships and new knowledge, 1.5) technology of digital era, including talent development budget and resource support, information technology and ethical communication, and 1.6) learning networks, including collaborative learning with stakeholders, building a learning network and reflection on learning outcomes together. And 2) The evaluation of educational program administrators that suitability and feasibility the mean of >3.51 and above is very appropriate pass the assessment criteria.
The objectives of the research article were to: 1) developing a program to improve school administrators in the digital age of secondary schools, and 2) evaluate by using of educational program administrators in the digital age of secondary schools. This was development research by conducting research such as 1) study the conceptual framework of research by document analysis 2) study condition and need to strengthen. Using questionnaire improvement program by selected a specific sample as administrators of the school, consisting of 125 persons, and 3) study model and development of educational programs for administrators in the digital era by using a semi-structured interview and public hearing seminar that select a specific example of educational institution administrator, and academician including 20 persons. This was using average statistics standard deviation and paired t-test by analyzing the content and summarizing as a whole. It was found that 1) The development of educational programs for administrators. These are Phase 1 online training, Phase 2 hands-on training and PLC processes, and Phase 3, follow-up and evaluation. The contains 6 modules of program development activities that include with 1.1) creativity such as Initiative, agile, flexible, and thorough, 1.2) self-directed learning like analyzing one's own needs, set learning objectives, plan learning and seek scientific resources, 1.3) teamwork including communication, ability, and learning exchange activities, 1.4) integration of ideas such as learning processes, and connect relationships and new knowledge, 1.5) technology of digital era, including talent development budget and resource support, information technology and ethical communication, and 1.6) learning networks, including collaborative learning with stakeholders, building a learning network and reflection on learning outcomes together. And 2) The evaluation of educational program administrators that suitability and feasibility the mean of >3.51 and above is very appropriate pass the assessment criteria.
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