
  • Piyanun Klaichun Rangsit University
  • Pratoomtong Trirat Rangsit University


Innovatorship, Innovation, Innovatorship Enhancement Model, Undergraduate Program


          The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the conceptual framework of innovatorship promotion model in the production of graduates of private universities, 2) study the desirable conditions of innovatorship enhancement for the bachelor’s degree program of private universities in Thailand, and 3) develop the innovatorship enhancement model for the bachelor’s degree program of private universities in Thailand. This research is qualitative research by using in - depth interview from the key informants; moreover, the sample groups in this research are two private universities, and the key informants are the directors of the universities in the number of 10 persons. For the instruments used in this research, it includes the conceptual framework’s assessment form, interviewing form, and model’s assessment form; additionally, to analyse the data, the content analysis is used. As a result of this research, it is presented that firstly, the conceptual framework to enhance the innovatorship for the bachelor’s degree program of private universities included 4 aspects, named 1) academic affairs administration, 2) design thinking process, 3) innovative thinking, and 4) skills to seek and discover creative thinking. Secondly, the desirable conditions of innovatorship enhancement for the bachelor’s degree program of private universities in Thailand consisted of understanding problems, defining problems, formulating strategies for developing the most feasible innovations to solve the problems, experimenting, questioning, creating networks, observing, taking advantage of the platform to access information technology, as well as testing and choosing the proper problems which are agreeable with the capabilities. Lastly, the development of the innovatorship enhancement model for the bachelor’s degree program of private universities in Thailand consisted of 3 elements, including 1) input, which is the development of innovators’ goals, 2) process, which is the process that enhancing innovators, and 3) output, which is the performance of innovators.


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How to Cite

Klaichun, P., & Trirat, P. (2021). INNOVATORSHIP ENHANCEMENT MODEL FOR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS OF PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES IN THAILAND. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(8), 236–252. Retrieved from



Research Articles