
  • Warangkana PornKoa Western University


Curriculum Development, School Botanical Garden, Local Plants


          The objectives of this research article were to: 1) study basic information for develop of the School Botanical Garden curriculum on the topic of Local plants. 2) develop and ensure the suitability of the School Botanical Garden curriculum draft on the topic of Local plants. 3) experiment School Botanical Garden curriculum on the topic of Local plants and 4) evaluate and quality assurance School Botanical Garden curriculum on the topic of Local plants. Mixed methods research. They were 44 administrators, teachers, educational supervisors, committees of basic academic school, local leaders, representative parents, local experts, 9 focus experts, and 40 students of the experimental group. The samples consisted of 93 informants. All samples were selected by Purposive random sampling. The instruments used in this research were: 1) School Botanical Garden curriculum on the topic of Local plants, 2) Learning skill test 3) Behavior in scientific process observation 4) satisfaction questionnaire 5) Focus Group Discussion record. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}), and standard deviation (S.D.). The results were as follows: 1) The accordance and suitability in School Botanical Garden curriculum on the topic of Local plants were at the highest level. 2) The development and ensure the suitability of the School Botanical Garden curriculum draft on the topic of Local plants were at the highest level. 3) The experiment of School Botanical Garden curriculum on the topic of Local plants was found that Learning skill of students in scientific process was at the highest level. The behavior of students in the scientific process was at the highest level, and Students ‘satisfaction towards learning in the School Botanical Garden curriculum on the topic of Local plants was at a high level. 4) The evaluation of quality assurance in the School Botanical Garden curriculum on the topic of Local plants was at its highest as a whole.


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How to Cite

PornKoa, W. . (2022). THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOL BOTANICAL GARDEN CURRICULUM ON LOCAL PLANTS FOR PRIMARY YEARS G5 . Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(2), 120–133. Retrieved from



Research Articles