Thungngern Application, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Risk, Behavioral IntentionAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to 1) develop a causal model of the factors influencing entrepreneurs’ behavioral intention toward using the Thungngern application in Udon Thani Province 2) study causal factors influencing behavioral intention toward using Thungngern application. This research used the quantitative methods. The samples were collected from 400 entrepreneurs in Udon Thani Province who used the Thungngern application. They were randomized by systematic random sampling. The research’s instrument was a five-level questionnaire. The inferential statistics used were a structural relation analysis by using Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling. The findings of the casual relation analysis showed that the latent factors influencing entrepreneurs’ behavioral intention toward using the Thungngern application consisted of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk variable. For more elaboration. 1) perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use directly positive influenced on entrepreneurs’ behavioral intention. 2) perceived ease of use directly positive influence on perceived usefulness, and 3) perceived risk directly negative influence on entrepreneurs’ behavioral intention and perceived usefulness. Moreover, perceived usefulness mediated the relationship between perceived risk and perceived ease of use to entrepreneurs’ behavioral intention.
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