
  • Oratai Charoensit Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep
  • Ratchneewa Pengpreech Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep


Lesson Plan, Research Skill, Home Economics, Preservice Teachers


The objectives of this research article were to create lesson plans to develop research skills for preservice teachers majoring in Home Economics and to examine the outcomes after the implementation of the lesson plans. It was developmental research consisting of 4 phases: 1) exploring concepts and theories, 2) developing lesson plans, 3) implementing the lesson plans, and 4) revising the lesson plans. The samples derived from purposive sampling were 84 fourth-year students majoring in Home Economics at the Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep. As the results of the research, 7 lesson plans with a total of 52 class hours to develop research skills for preservice teachers majoring in Home Economics hours were evaluated by experts. Overall, the lesson plans received a very good evaluation score (M = 4.34, S.D. = 0.48). The average score of the learning activities was in the very good range (M = 4.51, S.D. = 0.40). As for the learning objectives, the average score was also in the very good range (M = 4.43,                 S.D. = 0.57). In terms of the learning units, the average score was in the very good range (M = 4.25, S.D. = 0.63) และ 2) The outcomes after the implementation of the lesson plans, when considering the research quality revealed that the overall achieved the average score in the very good range (80.50%). The top 3 highest average scores were 1) methodology (88.10%) 2) identifying problems (83.25%) and 3) introduction (82.64%). As for the attitudes of the learners, it was found that the learners had good attitudes in general (M = 3.93, S.D. = 0.89). The significance of the study was given the average score in the high range (M = 4.02, S.D. = 0.86), and the attitudes toward classroom research were given the average score in the high range as well (M = 3.92, S.D. = 0.87).



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How to Cite

Charoensit, O. . ., & Pengpreech, R. . (2022). A DEVELOPMENT OF LESSON PLANS TO DEVELOP RESEARCH SKILLS FOR PRESERVICE TEACHERS MAJORING IN HOME ECONOMICS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(3), 407–421. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/254080



Research Articles