
  • Kulwadee Lim-u-sanno Prince of Songkla University


Tax Planning, Earnings Management, The Stock Exchange MAI


The Objectives of this research article were to 1) study the level of tax planning and earning Management of Thai stock exchange, and 2) study influence of tax planning and earning Management of Thai stock exchange. The quantitative research method was used questionnaire by specific selecting so the sample group was the representative from company listed on the stock exchange, MAI, industry from 2015 to 2017, Which were 1) agriculture and food industry,                        2) consumer goods, 3) industrial products, 4) property and construction,                          5) resource, 6) service, and 7) technology for all 901 companies. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, maximum, minimum, multiple regression analysis. The research was found that: 1) the tax planning level of a listed company was tax planning that effective tax rate (ETR) ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 0.228,                   S.D. = 2.236) and tax ratio method to cash flows from operating activities (TAX/CFO) ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 0.021, S.D. = 2.690), tend to fluctuate, tax planning method of tax ratio to total assets (TAX/Asset) ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 0.013, S.D. = 0.014). The average trend was decreasing every year and earnings management (EM) tended to fluctuate                 ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= -0.024, S.D. = 0.192) and 2) The influence of tax planning for tax planning and earning Management of listed companies on the stock exchange was tax planning method of tax ratio to cash flows from operating activities to earnings management. The negative relation was -1.959, F-Value (sig) 1.919 and Adjusted R Square 0.009. The property and construction group had positive earnings management 2.838, F-Value (sig) 1.919 and Adjusted R Square was 0.009 Significant 0.01.


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How to Cite

Lim-u-sanno, K. . (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF TAX PLANNING ON EARNINGS MANAGEMENT OF THAI STOCK EXCHANGE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(5), 99–111. Retrieved from



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