
  • Thatdaow Chomluk Royal Police Cadet Academy
  • Vichasit Sihatulanont Royal Police Cadet Academy
  • Aporn Limawirachapong Royal Police Cadet Academy


Integration, Collaboration, Multidisciplinary, Child and Juvenile Inquiry


              The objectives of this research article were to study the problems and obstacles in the work of Interdisciplinary agency level in investigating cases of juvenile offenders and victims or witnesses and to study and analyze the guidelines for integration of work and coordination in multidisciplinary work in the investigation of cases of children and youth who are offenders and victims or witnesses Conduct research by conducting qualitative research. analysis of documents In-depth interviews and small group meetings the results of the study had problems regarding the location of the interrogation room, the personnel aspect, the budget, the duration of the investigation of the child and youth, the coordination, the problem of arranging the inter-professional interrogation appointment. disbursement of multidisciplinary remuneration the guidelines for the integration of multidisciplinary collaboration in the investigation of juvenile cases are: At the ministry level, consultation meetings should be held in all professions related to the judicial process, as all parties consider it important. If there is an agreement at the ministry level, the supervisors of each department will see the importance. Supporting the work of the investigating officer in coordination with the prosecutor legal advisor and a social worker or psychologist. and should establish a multidisciplinary coordinating center for investigating juvenile cases in order to achieve the best interests of children seriously. The results of this research have produced a manual for the integration of multidisciplinary collaboration in the investigation of juvenile cases. To create understanding and know the procedures for participating in the investigation of juvenile cases that are standard and in the same direction able to effectively prescribe justice for children and youth It is worthwhile to solve the problems of inter-professional operations by knowing the guidelines for further work.


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How to Cite

Chomluk, T., Sihatulanont, V. . ., & Limawirachapong, A. . . (2021). APPROACHES TO THE INTEGRATION OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAMS FOR CHILD AND JUVENILE INQUIRY. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(12), 563–575. Retrieved from



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