
  • Suthinan Suwunwijitr Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Polsuk Jirakraisiri Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Potential, Political Role, Thai Female Students


          The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study the potentials of female students in Thai politics, 2) to study the roles of female students in Thai politics, and 3) to study the relationship between the potentials and the roles of female students in Thai politics. This research applied mixed method. The population was selected from 5 universities; Chang Mai University, Khon Kean University, Burapha University, Thummasart University (Ransit Campus), and Prince of Songkla University, which 80,839 students. 397 students were randomly selected from those universities. Taro Yamane technique was applied to calculate the sample size. Data collection tools were questionaire, inverview and observing. The statistical program was employed to provide the results in the inferential statistics; frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and canonical regression analysis. All results are presented by the graph. Qualitative data were analyzed by using contextual content analysis techniques and presented in a descriptive way. The research results were found as follows; In summary, this research finds two outstanding female students the political information perception from personal communication and social media and the right for voting in local and national levels. Both roles relate to the social potential in terms of female knowledge, acceptance, confident, and leadership competency. Moreover, the roles effect to the political potentials in polical experiences and moral. This findings show higher female students’ social and polical potencial increase, higher political communication and the right Which corresponds to the status of Thai society of Thai female students Who are still studying in the university fence.


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How to Cite

Suwunwijitr, S., & Jirakraisiri, P. (2021). THE POLITICAL ROLE OF THAI FEMALE STUDENTS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(11), 394–407. Retrieved from



Research Articles