
  • Sarisa Sukkhong Mahasarakham University, Thailand
  • Pathom Hongsuwan Mahasarakham University, Thailand


Didactic Literature, Knowledge Construction, Isan


          The Objectives of this research article were to synthesize and study knowledge construction in Isan didactic literature related to 42 pieces of literature. Social construction was applied as the main concept in the study. The concepts of storytelling, composition, and language identities were also used in this analytical study. The results of the study were as follows: 1) Most of the Isan didactic literature consisted of four dimensions of knowledge : knowledge of Buddhism, social knowledge, anthropological knowledge, and wisdom as knowledge. 2) Knowledge construction in Isan didactic literature could be divided into two types of analysis: 2.1) narrative Isan didactic literature and 2.2) non-narrative Isan didactic literature. According to 2.1) narrative Isan didactic literature, the knowledge was created by means of the following literary construction strategies: 2.1.1) storytelling through literary elements such as storyline, story presentation, narrative perspective, 2.1.2) knowledge construction in terms of composition such as using metaphors, parables, idioms, and contradictions. In terms of 2.2) non-narrative Isan didactic literature, the knowledge construction was presented through language strategies, namely: 2.2.1) language identities, 2.2.2) metaphors, and 2.2.3) critical discourse analysis. All of the mentioned knowledge constructions demonstrates the creative intelligence of Isan people, leading to the ingenious construction of local societies, upgrading Isan local didactic wisdom, and creating new understanding for outsiders to recognize that Isan people have wise way of life that can be widely seen.


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How to Cite

Sukkhong, S. ., & Hongsuwan, P. (2021). KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION IN ISAN DIDACTIC LITERATURE: CREATIVE WISDOM OF LOCAL PEOPLE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(11), 362–377. Retrieved from



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