
  • Noptchanok Kwansanga Rajamangala university of technology srivijaya songkhla
  • Nawatthakorn Umasin Rajamangala university of technology srivijaya songkhla
  • Chamaiporn Mitinunwong Rajamangala university of technology srivijaya songkhla


Product Development, Fashion Lifestyle, Textile Innovation, Etlingera Elatior Fiber


            The objective of this research article was to determine the guidelines for creating textile innovation from the surplus Etlingera elatior to use in the design and processing process together with the waste material in Songkhla Province in the form of fashion lifestyle products to increase the value of Etlingera elatior, which is the agricultural waste, and create the value to the material in community, by conducting qualitative research By creating research tools using questionnaires and interviews with experts. Stakeholders A group of textile entrepreneurs and designers. Research results indicated that Etlingera elatior fiber obtained from the stem was tough and long. The fiber is hit, it will be hard and easily broken. For this reason, the Etlingera elatior fiber was twisted with cotton at a ratio of 15 : 85. Cotton helped to soften the touch and maximize flexibility. For color extraction from the Etlingera elatior flower’s petals, blended the petals with water at the ratio of 1 : 1 and boiled one liter of water with 200 g. of salt. Before dyeing, soak the fiber in the mordant for 15 minutes. Soaked the cotton in the guava leaf water and silk in tamarind paste before boiling them with the extracted color water for one hour. Soaked them in the mordant again before washing with water and let it dry. As a result, the Etlingera elatior fiber was thick and suitable for making the house decoration products or furniture. In which the researcher has created textiles with waste materials, namely palm and rubber waste. In the form of fashion lifestyle products, consisting of chairs, lamps made of Etlingera elatior fabric and palm wood, cushions made from rubber scraps mixed with dried Etlingera elatior fiber, clothes, bags, and shoes.


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How to Cite

Kwansanga, N. ., Umasin, N. ., & Mitinunwong, C. . (2021). FASHION LIFESTYLE PRODUCTS FROM DEVELOPING ETLINGERA ELATIOR FIBER. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(12), 470–483. Retrieved from



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