
  • Pairin Panjasilpa Sripatum University
  • Nontipan Prayurhong Sripatum University


Competency, Innovation, Marketing Orientation, Competitive Advantage, Performance


The objectives of this research article were to : 1) investigate the factors that influence competitive advantage and performance in the tennis training center business in Thailand. 2) investigate the direct and indirect effects of factors influencing the competitive advantage and performance of the Tennis Training Center Business in Thailand. 3) develop a model for gaining a competitive advantage and improving the performance of the Tennis Training Center Business in Thailand. This study employed both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Questionnaires were used to collect data from customers of Thailand's tennis training center business. A total of 400 samples were sampled at random using a specific method. In-depth interviews were conducted with 7 experts from the tennis training center business, including executives, academics, and customers, to confirm the study's findings. The data was examined using the structural equation model. According to the study's findings, all factors were linked, both directly and indirectly. 1) Competency, innovation, and market orientation have a positive impact on competitive advantage and performance. 2) The following are the weights of the majority of the components in each factor: 2.1) Competency is defined as skills. 2.2) Process innovation is an example of innovation. 2.3) Interfunctional coordination is required for market orientation. 2.4) Differentiation and quick response provide a competitive advantage.             2.5) From a financial standpoint, performance is important. 3) The concordance index of the hypothesis model was discovered using confirmatory component analysis with the structural equation model. Index value X2 /df = 1.48, p-value = 0.158 passed the acceptance criteria, CFI = 0.999, GFI = 0.995, AGFI = 0.927.                     The structural equation modeling model was determined to be appropriate. Compliant with empirical data and considered new knowledge.


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How to Cite

Panjasilpa, P. ., & Prayurhong, N. (2022). CASUAL FACTORS INFLUENCING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE AND PERFORMANCE OF TENNIS TRAINING CENTER BUSINESS IN THAILAND. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(5), 82–98. Retrieved from



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