
  • Priyanut Wutti Chupradit Chiang Mai University
  • Supat Chupradit Chiang Mai University


Positive Psychology, Strategies for Developing Learners, Learners in the 21st Century, CPAEM Model


The concept of positive psychology began and in fact has been around for decades. This concept was known in the academic domain when Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi proposed this concept by making publications in American Psychologist Journal in 2000. Although the concept of positive psychology originated in 2000, has been around over a decade and also has been initially used in Thailand since 2007, there is a lack of support in terms of extensive implementation in education management in Thailand. Therefore, "positive psychology" is an individual's mental state expressing good feelings, fondness, commitment, a worry-free state, a stress-free state, safety. In fact, these feelings bring about mental and physical strengths. They can be summarized by being categorized into 3 groups with main concepts as follows: 1) concept of positive characters or strengths of individuals 2) concept of Positive Psychological Capital (PsyCap) and 3) concept of people with Positive Orientation (POS). Therefore, the author has proposed the conceptual framework of using positive psychology in order to develop skills of learners in the 21st century in details of 5 steps so-called CPAEM Model as follows: Step 1 refers to the analysis of class conditions and purposes of developing learners (Contextual Analysis : C); Step 2 refers to preparing learners to be ready to development (Preparation : P); Step 3 refers to doing the activity of learning and teaching (Action : A); Step 4 refers to making assessment and giving feedback (Evaluation and Feedback) and Step 5 refers to supervising, performance monitoring and development (Monitoring).


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How to Cite

Wutti Chupradit, P. ., & Chupradit, S. (2022). POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: STRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPING LEARNERS IN THE 21st CENTURY. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(1), 1–14. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/255763



Academic Article