
  • Thatchanan Issaradet Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Culture, Democratic Political, People, Bangkok, Metropolitan


The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study the general state of the democratic political culture of people, 2) to study personal attribute factors affecting the democratic political culture of people, and 3) to study the problems obstacles, and guidelines for the development democratic political culture of people. This was an integrated research design for mixed method quantitative using questionnaires, purposive sampling. The sample group includes people aged 18 and over in Bangkok and metropolitan areas of 400 peoples. By using analyzed frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and chi-square. And qualitative study document, in-depth interviews by purposive sampling, key informants such as academics, politicians, democracy promotion activists and students of 17 peoples. By content analyzing and summarizing. The research found that: 1) the general state of democratic political culture found that: the factors influencing for political culture, the overall was at a high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.26, SD. = 0.650) includes 1.1) civic consciousness, 1.2) knowledge and understanding of democracy, and 1.3) training, and political culture for the overall was at a high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.26, SD. = 0.650) includes 1.3.1) democratic confidence, 1.3.2) importance and dignity, 1.3.3) respect rules, 1.3.4) participation, 1.3.5) civic consciousness, 1.3.6) optimism, and 1.3.7) rational criticism. 2) The factors affecting the classification of personal attributes by gender, age, status, income and level of education, the overall are not different. The relationship between age, status, income, and level of education. Except gender are different, the statistical significant different at level .05. And 3) The problem are public relations, inequality. learning, politician quality and impartiality in the organizational. The development approach are 1) creating a common consciousness, 2) equally participation, 3) learning processes, and 4) rules, regulations or laws.


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How to Cite

Issaradet, T. . (2022). DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL CULTURE OF PEOPLE IN BANGKOK AND METROPOLITAN AREAS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(1), 482–499. Retrieved from



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