
  • Jutipon Peatan Chiang Mai University


Discourse, Discipline, Self-regulation, Depression, Graduate Student


The objectives of this research article were to 1) Study the discourse in Thai society at present that affects students' self-discipline and self-regulation. And 2) to study the students’ discipline and self-regulation that resulted in depression among graduate students. This research is qualitative research. The data were collected by in-depth interview and participant observation, analyzed by descriptive interpretation. Key informants were selected by purposive sampling as the subjects in the study who were graduating and suffering from depression, with a total of 15 key informants. The results showed that: 1) Discourses in Thai society at present that affect students' self-discipline and regulation. There are 4 main discourses: 11.) Social capital discourse 1.2) educational discourse 1.3) discourse of good employees' work, and 1.4) family discourse. 2) The process of creating discipline and self-regulation of students that resulted in depression among graduate students. It is a consequence of all discourses on the first point that society expects and monitors students' progress. Students themselves need to be always disciplined and self-regulated by planning to manage time and social relationships for 24 hours a day, what to do in a way that divides the time of activities according to the discourse of work, education, family to avoid mistakes and not to become imperfect or bad. They also monitor their actions and punish themselves when they fail. Those processes have led to the path of people with depression to eventually becoming depressed patients.The objectives of this research article were to 1) Study the discourse in Thai society at present that affects students' self-discipline and self-regulation. And 2) to study the students’ discipline and self-regulation that resulted in depression among graduate students. This research is qualitative research. The data were collected by in-depth interview and participant observation, analyzed by descriptive interpretation. Key informants were selected by purposive sampling as the subjects in the study who were graduating and suffering from depression, with a total of 15 key informants. The results showed that: 1) Discourses in Thai society at present that affect students' self-discipline and regulation. There are 4 main discourses: 11.) Social capital discourse 1.2) educational discourse 1.3) discourse of good employees' work, and 1.4) family discourse. 2) The process of creating discipline and self-regulation of students that resulted in depression among graduate students. It is a consequence of all discourses on the first point that society expects and monitors students' progress. Students themselves need to be always disciplined and self-regulated by planning to manage time and social relationships for 24 hours a day, what to do in a way that divides the time of activities according to the discourse of work, education, family to avoid mistakes and not to become imperfect or bad. They also monitor their actions and punish themselves when they fail. Those processes have led to the path of people with depression to eventually becoming depressed patients.


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How to Cite

Peatan, J. . (2022). DISCIPLINE, SELF - REGULATION AND DEPRESSION OF THE GRADUATE STUDENTSDISCIPLINE, SELF - REGULATION AND DEPRESSION OF THE GRADUATE STUDENTS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(1), 445–459. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/255769



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