
  • Patsinee Sansomedang Thammasat University
  • Adchara Panthanuwong Thammasat University


Tourism Management, Collaborative Tourism, Communication for Tourism


The objectives of this research article were to 1) study power and network relations for collaborative tourism. 2) study collaborative tourism management. 3) To study tourism identity, perception of tourism impacts and tourism support. 4) To study communication for collaborative tourism management. This research was qualitative, studied at the Pla-ba community, Loei Province. The data was collected by 1) Document analysis with documents, advertising and public relations media about policy and tourism management in the Pla-ba community. 2) Field study: in-depth Interview 5 people from DASTA Loei Office, TAT Loei Office, Loei Horticulture Research Center, Wimuttisuk Phurua Macadamia Farm, and focus group interview 8 people from local community 3) Non-participant observation by field note. The findings presented that 1) Power and network relations had a mutual relationship and were a result of communication. Network relations were important because made collaboration simply happening. 2) The Pla-ba community was conducted collaborative tourism that focused on stakeholders, they shared resources to achieve objectives. 3) Local community constructed tourism identity by connected with the place, positive perceptions of tourism impacts leading to collaborative willingness and tourism management support. 4) The communication was defined appropriated purpose, strategies, and channel, which achieve the purpose. The communication was an important variable that helped to created collaboration.


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How to Cite

Sansomedang, P. ., & Panthanuwong, A. . (2022). COLLABORATIVE TOURISM MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABILITY OF THE PLA-BA COMMUNITY, LOEI PROVINCE . Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(1), 384–400. Retrieved from



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