
  • Wacharee Sanguansakyotin Rangsit University
  • Apirat Kangsadanporn Rangsit University


Royal Public Administration, Royal Initiative Project, Royal Initiative Project of the Royal Thai Army


          The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the concept of Royal Public Administration through the Royal Initiative Project, 2) study the management of Royal Thai Army’s royal Initiative projects under the concept of Royal Public Administration and, 3) study the integration of Royal Public Administration with management, Therefore, used qualitative research by using documentary research along with an in - depth interview. Use an interview form as a tool Key informants consist of 3 groups: 10 community leaders, nine government and private sector leaders, and Army leaders who are responsible for and supervising the project. In the study area, 6 people analyzed and presented the research results descriptive. The results were as follows: 1) The concept of Royal Public Administration through the Royal Initiative Project. Use royal theology Through the work of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, the royal family, and his representatives. Emphasize the development of local citizens in the area of economic, social, and jointly maintain national sovereignty. 2) Management of Royal Thai Army initiatives following under the concept Royal Public Administration. Use a common arrangement of three parties. Is an area that leads the community Executives of the relevant government agencies and foundations or project leaders to use management that looks at the context of the area. 3) the integration of Royal Public Administration with management It was found that the project management of the Royal Thai Army's initiative under the concept of community royal theology must be involved in all integrating processes 3.1) Principles and fundamental concepts of the integrated model of cooperation 3.2) Objectives 3.3) Integrated Collaboration Workflow and 3.4) Integrated Cooperation / Measurement and Evaluation Indicators should be coordinated. All steps.


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How to Cite

Sanguansakyotin , W. ., & Kangsadanporn, A. (2022). ROYAL INITIATIVE PROJECT OF THE ROYAL THAI ARMY AS ROYAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(1), 29–44. Retrieved from



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