
  • Chavana Thongnun Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Vote Right, Election Duties, Constitution of The Kingdom of Thailand


           This article discusses the election of the people to exercise their right to vote for representatives. To act on behalf of governing each level of the country. Democratic elections must be free. Allows freedom to make decisions for both applicants and voters. It must be pure and fair, without guidance or compulsion. People have the power to rule the country, but in today's society, it is impossible for all people to run the country at the same time. Therefore, it is necessary to elect representatives to run the country and exercise power on behalf of the people. Because sovereignty belongs to all people, their choice is for the public interest, social support, and policies to meet the needs of candidates or political parties, elected representatives. At present, there is a problem that the election is from the constitutional study of the kingdom of Thailand's Right to vote. Later, there was a change when the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand BE 2540 stipulated that elections were a duty that the people had to comply with. by the state giving rights to the people, having the duty to exercise their right to vote in elections. At present, the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560 B.E. has introduced the principle of rights and liberties. Contains provisions on the rights and liberties of the Thai people as a guarantee that the State will recognize and protect the rights and freedoms of the people and was enacted as the supreme law in governing the country. Stipulating that sovereignty belongs to the Thai people's constitution is, therefore, like a pillar as a mechanism for organizing, determining the structure of state power, and strengthening the governance for developing and resolving the country's crises.


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How to Cite

Thongnun, C. . (2022). VOTING RIGHTS OR ELECTION DUTIES: CONSTITUTION OF THE KINGDOM OF THAILAND. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(1), 341–356. Retrieved from



Academic Article