
  • Chalong Phanchan Mahasarakham University


Cultural landscape, Buddhist meditation teachers, religious tourism, Thammayut Nikaya, lower Northeastern region


The objectives of this research article were to study the origin of Development and expansion of the Dhammayut sect; and cultural landscapes of Vipassana teachers to promote religious tourism in the lower Isan area. It is   a qualitative research with both documentary and field studies. The research tools are observation form, interview form and small group discussion form. The target groups were monks, local knowers, community leaders, scholars and tourists, amounting to 50 monks/person. The origin of the Vipassana teacher in the Northeast is Ubon Ratchathani province. It has spread of the Thammayut sect from Bangkok by Phra Ajahn Dee Panthulo, who was a Purana Saha Dhammakaya of Phra Vajirayan or King Rama IV. It was expanded into 3 eras. In the first period, there was an expansion of religion by taking a motion of monks from the Maha Nikaya to become Dhammayutika Sect. The second era has the expansion of monasteries and in the 3rd era, there is the emergence of Vipassana teachers in the area, namely Phra Ajarn Sao Kantasilo, Phra Ajarn Mun Phurithatto, Reverend Cha Suphatto, Reverend Dun Atulo, and Reverend Phut thaniyo, etc. The cultural landscape of Vipassana teachers in the area can be grouped into 6 groups:                1) important monasteries group 2) pagoda group 3) museum group 4) sacred Buddha image group 5) relic group 6) religious group and can be synthesized into 2 large groups, namely 1) the original resource group in the era of the Vipassana teacher such as the sacred Buddha image, eight necessities of a Buddhist monk (Atthaborikhan) and monasteries, etc., and 2) the resource group that was developed or created later, such as pagoda and museums. etc., which can organize religious resources as a religious tourism route under “Tourism Route for ordained teachers”


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How to Cite

Phanchan, C. . (2022). THE CULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF BUDDHIST MEDITATION TEACHERS FOR RELIGIOUS TOURISM IN THE LOWER NORTHEAST. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(6), 206–222. Retrieved from



Research Articles