Access to Social Welfare, Elderly with Disabilities, Khon Kaen ProvinceAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to study the access to the social welfare of the elderly with disabilities in Khon Kaen Province. The study was conducted by using a qualitative research methodology. The selection of key informants from the specific population who were the elderly with disabilities. They were eligible for receiving welfare which was including the 5 persons from urban areas and 5 persons from non-urban areas or a total of 10 elderly with disabilities. The in-depth interviews are made from samples with a guideline of Semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was conducted by the thematic analysis process. The results showed that most of the elderly with disabilities had access to living welfare and health welfare, with the details as follows: 1) Living welfare, the samples have received the elderly pension and disabilities pension. It was found that both welfares, the elderly with disabilities received were effectively used for their living. It can reduce the burden of family expenses. However, the number of such pensions was still insufficient for the elderly with disabilities to live with these pensions. While some elderly with disabilities need to use state welfare cards. 2) Health welfare, it was found that the health welfare was sufficient to the needs of most elderly with disabilities. They could access and spend the health welfare worthwhile, free of medical care expenses. They also received medical care from specialized doctors. However, it was found some special equipment that is suited for people with disabilities has remained limited and insufficient to meet their needs. The result also indicated that the volunteer network in the area that provided face-to-face service, was an important mechanism to assist the elderly with disabilities can access living and health welfare. Moreover, the publicizing of their rights and welfare through electronic government systems were not meet the needs of the elderly with disabilities. They still mainly relied on community mechanisms.The objectives of this research article were to study the access to the social welfare of the elderly with disabilities in Khon Kaen Province. The study was conducted by using a qualitative research methodology. The selection of key informants from the specific population who were the elderly with disabilities. They were eligible for receiving welfare which was including the 5 persons from urban areas and 5 persons from non-urban areas or a total of 10 elderly with disabilities. The in-depth interviews are made from samples with a guideline of Semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was conducted by the thematic analysis process. The results showed that most of the elderly with disabilities had access to living welfare and health welfare, with the details as follows: 1) Living welfare, the samples have received the elderly pension and disabilities pension. It was found that both welfares, the elderly with disabilities received were effectively used for their living. It can reduce the burden of family expenses. However, the number of such pensions was still insufficient for the elderly with disabilities to live with these pensions. While some elderly with disabilities need to use state welfare cards. 2) Health welfare, it was found that the health welfare was sufficient to the needs of most elderly with disabilities. They could access and spend the health welfare worthwhile, free of medical care expenses. They also received medical care from specialized doctors. However, it was found some special equipment that is suited for people with disabilities has remained limited and insufficient to meet their needs. The result also indicated that the volunteer network in the area that provided face-to-face service, was an important mechanism to assist the elderly with disabilities can access living and health welfare. Moreover, the publicizing of their rights and welfare through electronic government systems were not meet the needs of the elderly with disabilities. They still mainly relied on community mechanisms.
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