hybrid instruction, design thinking process, internship, innovatorAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to 1) study elements of the hybrid instructional model development by using design thinking process and internship to promote teacher students’ innovators; 2) develop the hybrid instructional model development by using design thinking process and internship to promote teacher students’ innovators; and 3) implement the developed hybrid instructional model. This research and development method used multi-stage sampling in selecting 39 third year teacher students studying in the second semester, the 2021 academic year. The research tools were the synthesis record, the instructor questionnaire, the innovator behavior assessment, the innovation thinking skill assessment and the innovation work assessment. The data were analyzed by using mean and t-test. The research results were as follows; 1) The 6 elements of the instructional model consisted of technology, instructor, teacher students, mentor, content design and development, and the constructionism approach. The 8 instructional processes were orientation, in-depth user’s problem understanding, problem interpretation, imagination brainstorm, innovation model establishment, innovation tryout, reflection, and knowledge sharing. 2) The instructional model was at the mean scores of 4.16 at the high level. 3) The instructional model implementation results showed that the innovation work scores after studying were significantly higher than the criteria at the level of .05, the innovator behavior scores after studying were significantly higher than the criteria at the level of .05, and the innovation thinking skill scores after studying were significantly higher than the criteria at the level of .05.
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