Content Design, Interactive Media, Transfer, Intellectual Repository, Wisdom ElderlyAbstract
This research article aims to discuss and analyse the development of interactive design for transferring the elderly intellectual repository. This mixed-method research study was conducted with 30 participants derived through accidental sampling. The participants were visitors who came to see and appeared as interested users on the trial of interactive media to transfer the elderly intellectual repository in Design & Diversity Progress of the PhD Exhibition 2020 during 4 - 8 March 2020 at Ratchadamnoen Contemporary Art Center in Bangkok. Qualitative research instrument including interviews with design interactive media experts were conducted to obtain qualitative data concerning knowledge management, system development, and the elderly intellectual repository transfer. The obtained qualitative data were analysed and synthesized based on analytical views from the experts and conceptual frameworks derived from related literature. From the synthesis, S-CREATOR conceptual framework was derived. This leads to a systematic circulation of artistic intellectual repository which could be categorized due to topical basis of keywords ranging from collecting or creating content, easy to retrieving, being experience based intellectual, being accessible anytime, anywhere, via any devices, knowledge management must have transferring and sharing, use and reuse, open access, and retention system. Descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation were functioned to define level of user attitude after the trial. The results of data analysis show that the aspect of learning was ranked the highest score by participants after the trial ( = 4.67, S.D. = .47), followed by knowledge sharing (
= 4.60, S.D. = .52), usability (
= 4.51, S.D. = .54) and participants of the trial ranked the aspect of information as the lowest (
= 4.39, S.D. = .55). In addition, comments from the participants were found to be agreeable and supportive to development networking, raise value awareness in elderly via the development of interactive media for transferring the elderly intellectual repository.
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