Develop of Model, Coping With Burnout Syndrome Among, Dependent Elderly’s Caregivers, Phetchabun ProvinceAbstract
The Objectives of this research article were to develop of model for coping burnout syndrome among dependent elderly’s caregivers in Phetchabun Province. This was an integrated research design for mixed method such as 1) to study the conceptual framework of research by document analysis 2) to study burnout syndrome among dependent elderly’s caregivers. Data was selected by specific questionnaire for all 288 persons 3) to study model and development model of burnout syndrome, by focus discussion that selected from specific sample of group 20 health network members to draft a form and 4) to tested and assess a model for burnout syndrome among by using 34 Participants form and public hearing seminar. The sample was selected specific analysis using statistic, frequency, average, standard deviation by analyzing the content data and overview summarizing. The research was found that: develop of model for coping burnout syndrome among dependent elderly’s caregivers, condition of burnout syndrome among dependent elderly’s caregivers such as burnout syndrome at middle level ( = 1.63) and also stress hit middle level ( = 1.80). The problem was found caring for the elderly in health, finance, hygiene, mental health. There were 6 activities to handle for model and development model of burnout syndrome such as 1) Make friends with mental development, 2) practice mindfulness, create happiness and develop yourself, 3) create happiness, 4) peer assist, 5) create physical happiness and 6) knowledge sharing and tested and estimated model were: 1) burnout syndrome, 2) stress, 3) how to deal with problems, and 4) following and effectiveness of model, the overview was at a very high level ( = 4.40) statistically significant difference 0.01 so on the developed model was effective in reducing the burnout of the elderly caregivers, reduced stress and better coping with problems.
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