
  • Wanida Homjan Surin Rajabhat University
  • Suchart Homjan Burirum Rajabhat University
  • Watcharaporn Ruangsit Surin Rajabhat University


Achievement, Factors, Pre-Service


          The objectives of this research article were to examine the causal factors influencing the subject research learning achievement of pre-service at Surin Rajabhat University. A quantitative research methodology was used in this research. The population of pre-service. Bachelor's degree, regular semester, 3rd and 4th year, Surin Rajabhat University, the academic year 2021, 1,582 people. The samples consisted of 204 pre-service of Surin Rajabhat University, which were selected by cluster sampling. Five causal variables include the quality of teaching, awareness of the use of technology, attitudes towards research subjects, motivation for achievement, and willingness to study. The dependent variable was the achievement of research subjects, semester 1, the academic year 2021. The research instruments were the 5 rating scale questionnaires. Percentage, average, and standard deviation were statistics used to perform analysis. Path analysis using the prepackaged program LISREL 8.80. The research result found that The factors that directly influenced the achievement of research subjects were the willingness to study, which had an influence value of 0.26 with statistical significance at the .05 level. Factors that directly and indirectly influence research achievement include attitudes towards research subjects, quality of teaching, and motivation for achievement, which had influence value of 0.87, 054 and 0.96 respectively, and factors that indirectly influence academic achievement was awareness of the use of technology which had influence value of 0.30 with statistical significance at the .05 level. All causal factors could explain the variance of subject research learning achievement at 84.00%.


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How to Cite

Homjan, W., Homjan, S., & Ruangsit, W. (2022). CAUSAL FACTORS INFUENCING SUBJECT RESEARCH LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF PRE-SERVICE OF SURIN RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(5), 384–397. Retrieved from



Research Articles