Developing Model, Casual Relationship, Factors Affecting Loyalty, Foreign TouristsAbstract
The objectives of this research article were: 1) study compare the point of views about Asian and European tourists on travel destinations in Thailand, according to image of service quality expectations; value recognition satisfaction and loyalty, 2) study analyze the direct and indirect influences between the images of service quality expectations; value recognition and satisfaction with loyalty ,3) developed a causal relationship model for factors affecting overall foreign tourist loyalty, and 4) developed a causal relationship model for factors affecting the loyalty of both Asian and European tourists to Thailand tourism. The study was mix research method such as quantitative research by using a questionnaire , stratified randomized sampling group Asian and European tourists of 600 people. By using LISREL technique for analyzed frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Skewness, Kurtosis. And qualitatively of a specific randomized interview was used. The informants was foreign tourists of 10 people, content analysis and summary. The study was found that: 1) Asian and European tourists have point of views on tourism in Thailand different in terms of value perception and satisfaction, statistically significant at the 0.05 level; it was found that Asians are more valued and satisfied than Europeans, 2) Destination image and service quality expectations both had a direct influence and indirectly impacts are perception of value and satisfaction, statistically significant at the 0.05 level, 3) causal relationship model for factors affecting overall foreign tourist loyalty to the empirical data (p-Value > 0.05 and GFI > 0.95) and 4) The causal relationship model for Asian and European tourists conformed to the empirical data (p-Value > 0.05 and GFI > 0.95).
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