
  • Theanchai Yaktavong Behavioral Science Research Institute, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Numchai Supparerkchaisakul Behavioral Science Research Institute, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Kanu Priya Mohan Behavioral Science Research Institute, Srinakharinwirot University


Work-Life Balance, Private Organization Employee, Growth Mindset, Organizational Culture, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


This academic article aims to: 1) apply work-life balance of private organization employee. Work-life balance refers to a state in which a person can manage his or her work style in accordance with working conditions, health, leisure time, family life and other responsibilities. They can perfectly balance both the interests of the organization and self, including maintaining a balance of relationships with family and society. The application of work life balance of private organization employees uses Merrill & Merrill's conceptual framework which divides work-life balance into 5 areas as follows: 1) Work aspect; the application means to promote work or career to be something that drives creativity among employees 2) Family aspect; it is appropriate to allocate time for creating personal happiness that leads to success of living in society 3) Time aspect; the ability to allocate time which is very important in every aspect of life 4) Financial aspect; allocated savings is the tools that allows a person to live in the present and in the future that related to work, family and time 5) Intellectually aspect; the development for life to fulfill every aspect that make all parties satisfied. The causal factors affecting the work-life balance of private organization employees were the growth mindset, organizational culture and the seven habits of highly effective people. If the organization applied this concept to motivate and encourage their employees to have work life balance, it will gain more happiness at work and stressless from all causal factors that will lead to highly effectiveness organization.


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How to Cite

Yaktavong, T., Supparerkchaisakul, N. ., & Priya Mohan, K. . (2022). THE APPLICATION OF WORK LIFE BALANCE FOR PRIVATE ORGANIZATION EMPLOYEES. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(8), 14–27. Retrieved from



Academic Article