
  • Wareeratn Yampradit Srinakharinwirot University
  • Anan Malarat Srinakharinwirot University
  • Sathin Prachanban Srinakharinwirot University


Integrative Physical Activity, Executive Functions, Early Childhood


The Objectives of this research article were to study conditions, problems, needs, and guidelines for the development of the integrative physical activity to enhance executive functions of early childhood in Surin province. This synthesis and survey research was conducted to obtain the information necessary for the development of the integrative physical activity. Data were collected from 3 parts as follows. 1) The study about conditions and problems in organizing physical activities - the participants of this part of research consisted of 9 teachers and            9 school administrators where data were collected through an interview. A content analysis was applied to form an inductive summary. 2) The study about the needs for the integrative physical activities - there were 330 teachers participated in this part of the study. Data were collected through a questionnaire and the collected data was analyzed for the modified priority needs index (PNIModified). 3) The study about guidelines to develop the integrative physical activity - there were 6 experts participated according to this part of the study. Data were collected through an interview. A content analysis was applied to form an inductive summary. The study found that: 1) According to conditions and problems in organizing the physical activity, the physical activities are organized together with outdoor and movement activities. In addition, there is not a wide variety of physical activities and lack of processes to enhance executive functions. 2) In term of the needs for the integrative physical activity, the most essential need is the learning process (PNIModified = 0.17). 3) Owing to the guidelines for the development of the integrative physical activity, it is recommended that the physical activity should be divided into 3 levels: Level 1 - teaching basic movement skills corresponding to the activity; Level 2 - practicing with increased physical exertion with a movement to assemble equipment; Level 3 - challenging where obstacles or conditions for children to plan to solve the problem. Physical activities should be designed for both individual and group play and should be organized 3 times a week about 50 - 60 minutes each time.


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How to Cite

Yampradit, W., Malarat, A. ., & Prachanban, S. . (2022). NEEDS AND GUIDELINES OF THE INTEGRATIVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY TO ENHANCING EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD IN SURIN PROVINCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(7), 248–265. Retrieved from



Research Articles