
  • Prisana Kumpusiri Srinakharinwirot University
  • Prit Supasetsiri Srinakharinwirot University
  • Kittikorn Nopudomphan Srinakharinwirot University


Role, Beauty Queen, Thai Society


The objectives of this research article were to study the role of beauty queen in Thai society. This is qualitative research, the data collecting was sought by the documents, textbooks, articles, e-documents related as well as in-depth interviews conducted with the winner of the beauty pageant. The content analysis was employed to analyze the data. The finding showed that the role of beauty queen in Thai society as follows: family role, beauty queen has to completed their roles as children, wife and mother role throughout their lives. Educational role, beauty queen should know both from educational institutions, knowledge that come from experience or education according to one's aptitude. In addition, beauty queen should contribute to transfer of knowledge in their fields of expertise for social service also. Religious role, the beauty queen takes part in the upkeep of her religion according to the time and opportunity, as well as in the production of the national culture especially in international competitions. Occupational role, beauty queen should work that does not violate the law. Social role, beauty queen plays an important role in driving society as beauty queen influence decision-making. The influence of ideas or motivations of people in society. Political role, as a citizen, beauty queen was involved in political activities. and mass media role, beauty queens should use the media as a means of publicizing or stealing issues driven by individual beauty queen based on the ethics and laws of media use.


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How to Cite

Kumpusiri, P., Supasetsiri, P., & Nopudomphan, K. (2022). THE ROLE OF BEAUTY QUEEN IN THAI SOCIETY. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(8), 55–66. Retrieved from



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