
  • Noppdon Sripun Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Chalermsak Toomhirun Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Jinda Khlibtong Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Phumsak Rasri Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Model, Extension, Sour Tamarind Production, Commercial


The Objectives of this research article were to 1) sour tamarind production for commercial of the farmers 2) cost and return on investment in sour tamarind cultivation 3) the extension gained and need for sour tamarind production of the farmers 4) the development of model and 5) the evaluation of model. This mixed methods research. The sample groups 1) 193 sour tamarind growers 2) 11 representatives who were related to the extension in commercial sour tamarind production 3) 9 experts. The interview questions were used. Data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis, t - test, multiple regression analysis, factor analysis and content analysis. The results showed that 1) most of the farmers production with the average farm size for tamarind production was 7.06 Rai. The average age of sour tamarind tree was 10.09 years. Most of the farmers grew tamarind cultivar Kradan by using grafted tamarind tree with 8 x 8 m spacing. 2) The variable cost regarding harvest was rather high because of no appropriate technology in substitution of human labor. The average cost of production was 11,023.83baht/rai. The average income from selling ripe and unripe pods, preserved tamarind in syrup and tamarind paste was 24,364.03 baht/rai. The analysis on the possibility of investment in sour tamarind production revealed that the net present value was 13,340.20 baht, benefit/cost ratio was 2.21 and the rate of return on investment was 121.01%.                           3) For the extension needs for agro - commercial sour tamarind production, the farmers wanted to gain the additional knowledge at the highest level in every aspect of sour tamarind production from personal, publication media and electronic media. The level of extension method needed for sour tamarind production was a training workshop method.4) The extension model for the process of SMCMR Model by using results based on management concept. 5) For model evaluation results, the opinions from related parties were at the highest level on the possibility for the adoption into practice, the appropriateness, and the adoption for actual benefits.


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How to Cite

Sripun , N. . . ., Toomhirun, C. ., Khlibtong, J. ., & Rasri , P. . (2022). THE EXTENSION MODEL OF SOUR TAMARIND PRODUCTION FOR BUSINESS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(9), 28–46. retrieved from



Research Articles