
  • kitinat Jeangmai Chiang Mai University
  • Ratchaneekorn Tongsookdee Chiang Mai University
  • Soisuda Vittayakorn Chiang Mai University
  • Pikul Leosiripong Chiang Mai University


Total Communication System, Questioning Skills, Deafblindness


The objective of this research article were to study the effect of using        a total communication system to develop questioning skill. “What is your name?” of a 22-year-old case study, deafblindness female. The case study was chosen by purposive sampling. The tools used for this research were 1) four individual implementation plans (IIPs) focusing on the total communication system to develop the questioning skill and 2) observation form for questioning skill development. In each activity of teaching, the researcher used the total communication system for the specified Four steps: reading braille on cards, sending cards, asking questions in sign language, and answering questions in sign language. The researcher used Four teaching techniques, demonstration by hand over Hand, hand under hand technique, physical prompt, and reinforcement. The statistics used for analyzing data were frequency distribution, median, and presenting data by using tables and description. The results from Three teaching activities, the case study practiced asking questions with 6 people, totaling 18 people as follows. The first result, the researcher demonstrated by hand Under hand technique 9 times and demonstrated by hand instruction 10 times. The median of reading braille on cards = 2, sending cards = 2, asking questions in sign language = 1 and answering questions in sign language = 3. The second result, the researcher demonstrated by hand Under hand technique 2 times and demonstrated by hand instruction 8 times. The median of reading braille on cards = 3, sending cards = 3, asking questions in sign language = 2 and answering questions in sign language = 3. The third result, the case study can be followed in steps, use total communication to ask questions herself. The median of reading braille on cards, sending cards, asking questions in sign language, and answering questions in sign language = 3 respectively.


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How to Cite

Jeangmai , kitinat ., Tongsookdee , R. ., Vittayakorn , S. ., & Leosiripong, P. . (2022). USING A TOTAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM TO DEVELOP QUESTIONING SKILLS OF A CASE STUDY WITH DEAFBLINDNESS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(10), 262–278. Retrieved from



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