
  • Chudanat Sudthongkhong National Institute of Development Administration
  • Wichian Lattipongpun National Institute of Development Administration


Animation Design, Health Content, Royal Thai Traditional Massage, Foreign Tourists, Effects on Viewing


The objectives of this research article were to study animation film design and the opinions of foreigners after viewing the royal Thai traditional massage short animation. It uses a mixed research method. The target group is foreign tourists from 3 nationalities: China, Japan, and England. The sample is selected by a single random sampling method of 400 people. The research tool is an opinion assessment questionnaire. The statistics used in the research and analysis of the data were mean and standard deviation. The results reveal that the film designs the personality of the lead characters and communicates signs visually through their appearance. Overall, opinions after viewing the royal Thai traditional massage short animation are at a good level. As for the character design, it is creative and suitable for the story. In terms of the scene's design, it is realistic, beautiful, and conveys meaning. The film’s content is contemporary and understandable, even without narration, with a good average score. The design of the animated film health content about royal Thai traditional massage can communicate to the audience according to the intended purpose at a good level, with a total average score of 3.66 (S.D. = 0.06). In addition, the character design is creative and suitable for the story, and the average score of 3.76 is a good level. Knowledge management in the royal Thai massage animated film production was found and consisted of 5 steps: 1) stored or created knowledge, 2) knowledge processing, 3) dissemination, 4) knowledge sharing, and   5) knowledge presentation.


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How to Cite

Sudthongkhong, C., & Lattipongpun, W. (2022). DIFFERENT TOUCH: THE ROYAL THAI TRADITIONAL MASSAGE HEALTH CONTENT SHORT ANIMATION. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(10), 171–188. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/261571



Research Articles