
  • Wilaiwan Isaradath Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya


Elderly, Health Caregiving, Holistic Health


This article was presentation about history of The elderly and holistic health care From the changing situation, we have to face the consequences from the changing and deviating economy and society. As a result, there are health problems both physically and mentally. Globalization has made hygiene behaviors more vulnerable to health deterioration. Due to the lack of life skills (Life Skills) in taking care of one's health and having to live in an environment that is not conducive to complete health. There should be development of a holistic health promotion system for the elderly in 6 dimensions: physical, mental, spiritual, social, economic and environmental. This is a process to encourage the elderly to increase their ability to control and develop their health. And take action to solve problems that affect life. The application of Buddhism, known as Bhavana 4, is the principle of holistic health care that must be related in 4 dimensions: physical, rehabilitation and healing of the entire body system, social, having smooth relationships with others. Mental: Mental relaxation brings peace, joy, clarity, and wisdom. Changing attitudes about disease and life. Therefore, health promotion is a social movement that requires participation from all segments of society in order to promote the health of individuals and communities. solving policy problems at all levels and the elderly therefore need special care according to government policy on public health which focuses on proactive public health operations thoroughly and covers both health promotion disease prevention medical treatment rehabilitation and the development of public health services Including maintaining balance including 6 dimensions.


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How to Cite

Isaradath, W. . (2022). ELDERLY AND HOLISTIC HEALTH CARE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(12), 147–161. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/262444



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