
  • Supachai Somnual Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok
  • Kittichai Suthasinobon Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok
  • Rungtiwa Yamrung Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok


Components of The Active Citizenship Competencies, Active Citizenship Competencies, Elementary School Students


The objectives of this research were to study the components of the active citizenship competencies of elementary school students through the examination and verification of the appropriateness of the active citizenship competencies of elementary school students. This research conducted is quantitative. The samples and the key informant were elementary school students and five experts who evaluated the appropriateness of the active citizenship competencies of elementary school students. The researcher then used the synthesized information and the result from the verified appropriateness of the active citizenship competencies to create the components of the active citizenship competencies. The researcher conducted a content analysis from a literary review and calculated the mean (gif.latex?\bar{x})and the standard deviation (S.D) of the active citizenship competencies. The results of the studies found that the components of the active citizenship competencies are desirable attributes within elementary school students consisting of the following components: 1) Aspects of knowledge and understanding comprising 1) politics 2) being a good citizen in a democratic manner 3) law and constitution and 4) traditions and culture 2) Aspects of skills comprising 1) critical thinking skills 2) problem-solving skills 3) Aspects of characteristics and attributes comprising 1) the respect of other’s rights and the law 2) having social responsibility 3) having civic participation 4) acceptance of individual differences and 5) having morals and ethics. The results of the appropriateness assessed by five experts revealed that the overall appropriateness of the active citizenship competencies was at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.53) which has a significant difference at the 3.50 and above level when compared to the assigned assessment criteria.


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How to Cite

Somnual, S. ., Suthasinobon, K. ., & Yamrung, R. (2022). COMPETENCY FACTOR FOR ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP COMPETENCIES ENHANCING OF ELEMENATRY SCHOOL STUDENTS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(12), 175–186. Retrieved from



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