
  • Paiboon Chaosuansreecharoen College of Innovation and Management Saint John’s University, Bangkok
  • Boonreang Kajornsin College of Innovation and Management Saint John’s University, Bangkok


advising system, academic advisor, academic consultation


This paper was Research and Development. The objectives were to develop, implement, evaluate, and improve the academic advising system. The research methodology was divided into 5 steps as follows: 1) to analyze and synthesize related documents and research, 2) to develop and examine the suitability and feasibility of the academic advising system, 3) to implement the system, 4) to evaluate the system, and 5) to improve the system. Qualified 8 persons examined the suitability of the system and 21 persons examined the practical feasibility. The population was used in the implementation and evaluation of the system consisted of 449 persons. Content analysis, frequency and percentage were used to analyze data ​​according to the nature of data. The research results showed that the academic advising system consisting of 4 components as follows: 1) Inputs consisted of the policy, personnel, budget, tools and information technology, and information technology and communication of the academic advising system. 2) Process consisted of the administration and consulting and giving advice of the system. 3) Outputs consisted of good communication between students and advisors, completing degree requirements on time, good understanding college rules and regulations, having the ability to adapt successfully and perform problem solving, having tools and information for advisors, having skills and techniques in academic counseling for advisors, and enthusiastic to do academic advising duties , and 4) Feedback consisted of taking the results of the output assessment to improve inputs, processes for improving output. The advising system were evaluated through the assessment criteria, resulting in a suitable and effective academic advising system for the Sirindhorn College of Public Health.


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How to Cite

Chaosuansreecharoen, P. ., & Kajornsin, B. . . (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENT ACADEMIC ADVISING SYSTEM IN SIRINDHORN COLLEGE OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(12), 432–450. Retrieved from



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