
  • Thirarat Rattanawisutamon Maejo University, Thailand
  • Piyawan Siriprasertsil Maejo University, Thailand
  • Prapassorn Vannasathid Maejo University, Thailand
  • Chaiwat Baimai Maejo University, Thailand


Organic Rice, Smart Farmer, Organic Rice Smart Farmer, Modern Organic Agriculture


The objective of this study was to identify the definition of organic rice smart farmer in competency perspective for modern organic agriculture development. The qualitative research was conducted to collect the data via 21 connoisseurs via the purposive sampling method. The key informants were divided into 2 groups, including 14 organic rice entrepreneurs who have been awarded from national or international level from 2009 to 2019 and 7 academics who have been experienced at least 3 years in organic rice farming or related field or agriculture government officers. The interview template was verified by 3 professionals via IOC technique, the average mean of the template was 1.00 to collect data, including a tape recorder, notebook, and pen. The recorded data was transformed verbatim and saved into a computer, then analyzed by content analysis technique. The triangulation technique was applied to increase the credibility and validity of the result. The finding presented that the definition of organic rice smart farmer is the farmer who cultivates rice by organic standard via applying information and technologies in their farm management, financial, accounting, and problem-solving, including networking management with organic rice ecosystem provision to get the qualified organic rice product.


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How to Cite

Rattanawisutamon, T. ., Siriprasertsil, P. ., Vannasathid, P. ., & Baimai, C. . (2022). ORGANIC RICE SMART FARMER IN COMPETENCY PERSPECTIVE FOR MODERN ORGANIC AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(12), 894–908. Retrieved from



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