
  • Watchara Piathong School of Accounting, Sripatum University Bangkok
  • Daranee Uachanachit School of Accounting, Sripatum University Bangkok


Accountant, Forensic Accounting, Core Competencies


The objective of this academic paper presents the results of a study on documents, concepts, theories, the research related to forensic accounting’s core competencies, and a study on the Roles and importance of Forensic Accounting in Thai Society. The result showed that; The core competencies of Thai forensic accountants comprise 1) Hard skills include skills and knowledge concerns, for example, knowledge of evidence, fraud, accounting, business, and laws that are related to the competency and expertise in investigations. 2) Soft skills include the ability to communicate and the ability to build relationships with people. As for the role and importance of accounting and forensic accountants in Thai society. Because at present, corruption is complicated and the audit is too difficult for a professional accountant can verify. This may be due to the development of accounting information technology. It helps the fraudsters to modify and change the numbers seamlessly. Therefore, forensic accountants are important and play a role in applying their accounting, auditing, and investigative skills to use in financial audits of a person or business. By calculating the values ​​of various data to draw conclusions and identify unusual or suspicious patterns of transactions through analyzing financial data. On the operational, the forensic accountant will not show their opinion in the same way as general auditors but will be the one who provides facts that can solve criminal cases related to corruption in court. Which is beneficial to the profession of accounting. And it is of high value to the accounting services that professional accountants will have to society and the nation as a whole.


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How to Cite

Piathong, W., & Uachanachit, D. . (2022). ROLES AND COMPETENCIES OF FORENSIC ACCOUNTING IN THAI SOCIETY. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(11), 147–161. retrieved from



Academic Article