The development of problem-solving skill in ratios and percentages for grade-8 students by incorporating cooperative learning STAD technique into KWDL technique
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Solving mathematical problems is a basic skill for students at all educational level. One of the most popular ways to train a student to solve a problem by emphasizing the thinking process of the students is to train the students with problem-solving skills based on KWDL technique. By this reason, the purpose of this study were to: 1. study the students’ problem- solving skills in ratios and percentages for grade-8 students with STAD technique into KWDL technique, 2. compare the students’ problem-solving skills in ratios and percentages for grade-8 students before and after studying with STAD technique into KWDL technique. The samples of this study were 39 grade-8 students at Kamalasai School, Kamalasai district, Kalasin province studying in the first semester of the academic year 2018. Instruments were instructional plans based on incorporating STAD technique into KWDL technique and evaluation form on analytical problem- solving skills. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test. The results of the study were as follows: 1. the percentage of students’ problem-solving skills outcome was 69.85 ( =13.97, S.D.=1.06), 2. the students’ post-test of problem-solving skills in ratios and percentages studied by incorporating STAD technique into KWDL technique was significantly higher than the pretest at the level of confidence of 0.01.
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