The effect of using Kahoot as a formative assessment Tool in 4E×2 learning management on learning achievement and analytical thinking abilities
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The purposes of this research were to: 1) compare grade 7 students’ learning achievement in science on the topic of thermal energy before and after the implementation of 4E×2 learning management with Kahoot, 2) compare students’ analytical thinking ability before and after the implementation of 4E×2 learning management with Kahoot, and 3) investigate students’ satisfaction towards 4E×2 learning management with Kahoot. The samples of this study were 28 grade 7 students who enrolled in the second semester, academic year of 2020, at a large-size secondary school in Bangkok. These students were randomly selected by cluster random sampling method. The research instruments consisted of lesson plans, a learning achievement test, an analytical thinking ability test, and a students’ satisfaction survey. The data were analyzed by means, standard deviation, normalized gain and t-test for dependent sample. The results of this study revealed as follow: 1) the average score of students' learning achievement after the implementation of 4E×2 learning management with Kahoot was significantly higher than that before implementation at 0.01 level; 2) the average score of students' analytical thinking ability after the implementation of 4E×2 learning management with Kahoot was significantly higher than that before implementation at 0.01 level; and 3) the students’ satisfaction towards 4E×2 learning management with Kahoot was at the highest level.
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