Administration of Sangha Affairs, Performance, Sangha AdministratorAbstract
This research article aims to: 1) Study the level of Sangha affairs administration 2) Compare opinions towards Sangha affairs administration Classified by personal characteristics. 3) the performance of monks in the administration of Sangha affairs that affects the administration of the affairs of the Sangha and 4) to study ways to increase the efficiency of Sangha affairs administration. The sample group was monks in Muang district. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, 130 people and 8 key informants. Data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple regression, and content analysis.
Findings: 1) Sangha affairs administration was at the highest level, 2) different personal characteristics had no different opinions on Sangha affairs administration, 3) monks' competences in Sangha affairs administration were motivated, there was a relationship The cause-effect approach to the administration of Sangha affairs. There was a statistical significance at the level of 0.001 in terms of knowledge and personality of the person. There is a cause-effect relationship. with a statistical significance of 0.05 and 4) an approach to increase the efficiency of the administration of Sangha affairs, it was found that there should be administrative activities according to the Sangha Act. Promote
the teaching and learning of monks and novices in Pali and Dharma Coordinate with relevant agencies to help support educational equipment. Encourage monks and novices to have the ability to propagate Buddhism. Organize the environment within the area to suit the Dharma practice. Provide social assistance in various forms.
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