Law Enforcing Management for Police Officers to Prevent and Suppress the Fuel-related-Offenses in the Eastern Region of Thailand

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Jerawat Thanathatphongsa
Seksan Khruakham


The current study aims to (1) study the law enforcing management for police officers to prevent and suppress the fuel-related-offenses in the Eastern Region of Thailand (2) compare the law enforcing management for police officers to prevent and suppress the fuel-related-offenses in the Eastern Region of Thailand by the individual characteristics of police officers (3) study the relationship between the law enforcing management for police officers to prevent and suppress the fuel-related-offenses in the Eastern Region of Thailand with knowledge and understanding of the relevant laws, and (4) study potential guidelines to increase the efficiency of the law enforcing management for police officers to prevent and suppress the fuel-related-offenses in the Eastern Region of Thailand.​ The respondents of the questionnaire used to collect data were 240 police officers working for the anti-fuel-related offenses unit, selected by using the convenient sampling method. Analytically, descriptive statistics used in this research were frequency, percent, mean, and standard deviation, and referential statistics used to test the hypotheses were t-test and F-test.

             The results showed that the law enforcing management for police officers to prevent and suppress the fuel-related-offenses in the Eastern Region of Thailand was in an average level. The highest score was the policy and management aspect, followed by the law and regulation, the manpower management, the officers, the benefits and rewards, the communication and cooperation, and the technical support.The results of the research hypothesis testing revealed that (1) the samples with different gender, line of work, educational level, service period, and average monthly income had no different levels of management, (2) the samples with different rank, age, position, attended trainings, and duration of work, had a statistically significant difference in the management levels at the statistical level of 0.05, and (3) the knowledge of relevant laws was moderately significantly related with the management level of law enforcement (r = 0.53)

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How to Cite
Thanathatphongsa , J., & Khruakham, S. (2020). Law Enforcing Management for Police Officers to Prevent and Suppress the Fuel-related-Offenses in the Eastern Region of Thailand. Journal of Thai Justice System, 13(1), 53–71. Retrieved from
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