The Measures of Community Justice Center for Solving the Problems of People to Become Successful and Naturalized

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Akkakorn Chaiyapong
Vachiravitch Ittithanasuphavitch
Niramol Yindee


The study of the measures of community justice center for solving the problems of people to become successful and naturalized aims to analyze the measures of community justice center for reaching effective solution to the problems making people get into trouble as well as to put them into the most efficient and effective practices. It is certain that the success and achievement of community justice center needed to be contingent on the measures of establishment by the state, cultural, and traditional strength. In addition, the structures needed to be consistent with the concept of community justice, in conjunction with reconciliation justice and wisdom in administrative management. These elements played a pivotal role in rendering community justice center become successful as well as virtually helping to solve the problems faced by people. In order to enforce community justice with effectiveness, it is necessary to encourage people in the community to participate in empowering community justice as the tool by themselves without having their roles and operation intervened by the state agencies. This way can therefore be consistent with the concepts of justice community center, making it capable of solving the problems of people successfully, together with having to be reinforced by the laws that promote public participation, such as Community Justice Center Act.

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How to Cite
Chaiyapong, A. ., Ittithanasuphavitch, V. ., & Yindee, N. . (2020). The Measures of Community Justice Center for Solving the Problems of People to Become Successful and Naturalized. Journal of Thai Justice System, 12(3), 77–92. Retrieved from
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