Strategies for the Establishment of a Notarial Organization in Thailand: Keys to Success

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ภัทรวรรณ ทองใหญ่


The article is a part of the guideline research on the establishment of a notarial organization in Thailand, a project cooperateed between the faculty of law, Ramkhamhaeng University and the Institute for Justice Research and Development, Office of Justice Affairs with the realization of necessity and benefits of the notary professions arising in Thailand under Notary Act, B.E. ...., particularly, in aspect of an important tool enchancing the competitive potential in Thaiand and promoting the commercial flexibility and investment as well as being a mechanism of dispute protection and reducing the cases represented to the court. Notary is a legal profession with high morality and ethics together with honesty and impartially. Therefore, the notary professions practitioners' performance is considered to be under the supervision and control of the "organization profession". In order to make the notary prefessions achieving the objective in providing truly justice to preople, it is needed to push forward the establishment of an "Organization of Notary prefessions" together with the precedure on establishment of notary system in Thailand. This research is a qualitative research, having its objectives of determination on an entity of notary prefessions which is suitable for the situation in Thailand and preparation of the strategic proposal on the establishment of the notarial organization in Thailand to be in correspondence with international principles. It is found that an appropriate model of prefessional entity suitable for the situation in Thailand should be a "professions council". To push forward the establishment of the notarial organization in Thailand is composed of five strategies:law, building awareness, personnel development, networking, and budgeting. 

This article consists of six parts; introduction, concept of notary prefession, the importance of notary professions, the appriopriate model of prefessional entity suitatble for the situation in Thailand, strategies on the establishment of the notarial organization in Thailand, and conclusion.

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How to Cite
ทองใหญ่ ภ. (2015). Strategies for the Establishment of a Notarial Organization in Thailand: Keys to Success. Journal of Thai Justice System, 8(3), 45–64. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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