Guideline for Throughcare model of Thailand

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ศรีสมบัติ โชคประจักษ์ชัด
ทองใหญ่ อัยยะวรากูล


The objective of this research was to define the concept of offender rahabilitation development, intergrated and comprehensive model for Thailand. By using qualitative reserach, data were collected from documents, in-depth interviews of 29 people with those involved in the academic sector, the private sector and the government sector as well as international conferences with those foreign experts from the U.S., UK, Singapore and Japan. The findings were presented that the Department of Corrections and Department of Probation still face with problems dealing with offender rehadbilitation. This research offers thoughcare model seamlessly five stages, including the classification of criminals, evaluating the program, the pre-release, the reintegration and follow-up and monitoring

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How to Cite
โชคประจักษ์ชัด ศ., & อัยยะวรากูล ท. (2015). Guideline for Throughcare model of Thailand. Journal of Thai Justice System, 8(3), 89–113. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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