Management of Organizations for Personal Witness Protection in a Criminal Case under the Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Thailand

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ศุภณัฎฐ์ หนูรุ่ง


This research on Management of Organizations for Personal Witness Protection in a Criminal Cases under the Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Thailand.  The objective was to study a system and a Guideline of organization management for Personal Witness Protection in a Criminal Case under The Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Thailand. This study was applied both qualitative and quantitative research method (mixed method) which was suitable and efficient. The 13 persons of three groups of management level in ministry of justice, professional and operation of Protection Personal Witness department were interviewed in deeply detail. Moreover, the meeting of focus group was created to brainstorm their opinions in Personal Witness Protection mission. There were also 17 persons in the focus group meeting. These two groups are applied for qualitative research.  In addition, there were 172 persons who involved in this research’s questionnaire for quantitative research. This tool was used to correct information from witness or their close relationships of protection witness office, right and liberties department, security officer and officer in ministry of justice.


The research found that  

  1. The qualitative result was  showed that board of management level in ministryof Justice, professional and operation of Protection Personal Witness division, and participants in the focus group meeting recommend problems and system of Personal Witness Protection in a Criminal Case as follow:

  • Personal witnesses did not placed reliance on operation of government. Therefore, they did not dare to be witnesses.

  • Some of Legal state suspected in some article and could not be enforced. For example, some units attend only witnesses of court-martial and witnesses change their name or address.

  • Management ofProtection Personal Witness division was only a division of right and liberties department, which could not regulate and control but the division only cooperate with the other divisions. The capacity of this division was insufficient of manpower, armory specialist, attorney, psychologist and social worker.

  • Expenditures of ProtectionPersonal Witness division did not request from a strategy of their own and could not ask from the division. The budgetary depend on board of right and liberties department. This was why this division had no authority for management and cooperates as a government unit.   

The research result was effective to a system and a Guideline of Organization management for Personal Witness Protection in a Criminal Case under The Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Thailand.

  1. The quantitative result was showed opinion from witness or their close relationships of protection witness office, right and liberties department, security officer and officer in ministry of justice is excellent.  The study can observer those opinion in each part of the result as follow.


  • The most of acknowledge of Personal Witness Protection project was come from investigators

  • The most of acknowledge of Personal Witness Protection project and officer who involved in Personal Witness Protection was come from Royal Thai Police

  • The criterion of opinion to operation and management of Personal Witness Protection was excellent such as recognition of witness right, processing of requisition in  Personal Witness Protection project, media, tools, stuffs, and knowledge of Personal Witness Protection.

  • The criterion of opinion to reliance of management in Personal Witness Protectionwas excellent. The result explains about the sufficient and efficient of operation of officers.

Therefore, the resultant of qualitative and quantitative had been analyzed to a system and a Guideline of Organization management for Personal Witness Protection in a Criminal Case under the Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Thailand in an effective and suitable method. The researcher created “ROCJEFS” Model which was explained as below:

  • Rreferred to Regulator, this means Protection Personal Witness division. Their roles were to regulate, control, enforce, supervise and govern laws. These people will drive a process of right witness certification and Protection Personal Witness.

  • Oreferred to Operator, this means an operations of Personal Witness Protection according to special or normal articles, when witnesses request ward and its significant, Protection Personal Witness division must involve in the situation. The international cooperation has to be concerned. It could be a corporation to protective witness in the other countries.

  • Creferred to Cooperation, a duty of Protection Personal Witness division was to corporate protecting witness mission with the other divisions of ministry of justice, other government units, private institutions, and international cooperation.

  • Jreferred to Justice, Protection Personal Witness division has authorized to provide a justice to people. Witness had a suitable right which could request from government and be safeguarded in justice process such as during investigation to investigator, attorney, testimony to court or other government units for a punishment of criminal. These were a Justice, equality, rightness and peacefulness to sociality.

  • Ereferred to efficiency, the potential authority was efficient to regulate, supervise, manage for operating protection witness mission both right and protection according to the laws. The operators had to provide efficiency process to witness as the states.

  • F referred tofinancial; the responsibility of the management of financial was efficient to all systems in protection witness mission. The operation was to provide independent financial management and deserve directly the result to people. The budgetary was a tool for checking, tracing, evaluating and reporting. There were two sections of budgetary. One was come from annual budget; another one was received from court fines which support to Protection Personal Witness division in 5 percent of court fines

  • Sreferred to standard; Protection Personal Witness division was developing academic, regulating the standard of Protection Personal Witness. The division provided knowledge, research and development, law and regulation. The standard was also included the capacity of officer to grant a reliance and faith from witness. Moreover, this division was supported to protect witness as the standard.

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How to Cite
หนูรุ่ง ศ. (2018). Management of Organizations for Personal Witness Protection in a Criminal Case under the Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Thailand. Journal of Thai Justice System, 11(1), 39–54. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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