Legal measures for the control and the management of root ball plant in landscape architecture work.

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Thiraya Prabpram
Lecturer, Faculty of Laws, Ramkhamhaeng University
The Administrative Court, Bangkok
Court of Justice, Bangkok


In this article, the researcher aims to examine legal problems regarding business control and management of root ball plants in landscape work from the processes of cultivation, production, distribution, transportation, control, and supervision of business operators, as well as tax collection from such business operations.

               Findings showed that the business operation of root ball plants is not subject to any specific law. In addition, no provisions in any law stipulate the request for permission, approval, and tax collection. There are no legal measures for the control of the transportation of root ball plants from one place to another.

               The researcher proposes an enactment of the law to control business operators of root ball plants. The business operation structure for root ball plants should be designated regarding prices, tree sizes to trade, and the rights of business operators in the business of cultivating and trading root ball plants. Permission criteria should be determined with the provinces having responsibility. Concerned government officials should be authorized to screen, grant permission, approve, and collect taxes. Criteria should be determined to control the transportation and follow up the transportation of root ball plants.

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How to Cite
Prabpram, T., Sirisomboonvej, A. P. . ., Klaisuban, P. . ., & Muanpawong, S. (2022). Legal measures for the control and the management of root ball plant in landscape architecture work . Journal of Thai Justice System, 15(3), 41–57. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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