Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Laws Comparing between the United States and Thailand

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Trynh Phoraksa
Unisa Lerdtomornsakul


Drug abuse has persistently been an issue in almost every country around the world. One of the countries extensively holding a long story and more serious drug issue is the United States of America. The United States has approved the decriminalization which is reflected through drug addiction rehabilitation provided by drug court. The drug addiction rehabilitation through the drug court allows drug addicts to reintegrate into society, reducing the rate of recidivism and the amount of budget on inmate’s care in each state. This indicates the efficiency of concrete solution to drug problem. Also, Thailand has a long history of drug issues. Although there have been numerous preventative measures and attempts to address drug misuse in the past, many situations have not been successful resolved the drug problem. However, under the Narcotics Code B.E. 2021, the Royal Gazette has issued two new drug-related laws regarding social rehabilitation for drug addicts. The goal of this study is to compare rehabilitation in the United States under Narcotics code with rehabilitation in Thailand under the Narcotics Code B.E. 2021. Qualitative method was done by document research of Thai and English papers pertaining to US drug code and Thailand's Narcotics Code B.E. 2021. The similarities and differences of the data and information were analyzed for disparities as well as academic proof to support the formulation of future drug rehabilitation guidelines. In particular, the drug court demonstrates success in treatment and assistance to drug offenders, effectively reducing recidivism and cost of solving drug problems. Thus, the drug court can potentially resolve drug problems. Furthermore, Thailand should focus on decentralization of power from the central to local areas. As a result, the community and community leaders will be encouraged and play an important role in offender rehabilitation and social reintegration to prevent recidivism in the future.

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How to Cite
Phoraksa, T., & Lerdtomornsakul , U. . (2023). Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Laws Comparing between the United States and Thailand. Journal of Thai Justice System, 16(2), 49–62. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/259083
Research Articles


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