Occurrence of microplastics (MPs) in Antarctica and its impact on the health of organisms
South Polar Region, Antarctica, Microplastics (MPs), Density Separation, Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)Abstract
Antarctica, and its surrounding environment, is considered untouched, and it is thought that it is free from microplastic (MP) pollution. However, recent studies and science projects have reported MPs in both water and sediment in the South Polar Regions. These reports state that MP pollution occurs in this region due to fishing, tourism, and research activities by the nearby countries, with natural circulation also part of it. The Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) has given attention to MP pollution and has initiated research on it. MPs are tiny plastic particles with a size of less than 5 mm. They have two types: 1. Primary MPs, which have been manufactured directly from various applications like cosmetics and scrubbing, etc. 2. Secondary MPs, which are generated by the photochemical degradation of large plastics. Although several studies have been done, there is a quite gap in our understanding of the concentration, characteristics, and impact of plastics on the ecosystem of the Antarctic Region. The impact of MP pollution in this region may be very high. The presence of MPs is a serious issue that is affecting not only the aquatic environment but also humans. It is an alarming situation that causes environmental damage. The main objective of this paper is to review MP introduction, occurrence in biotic and abiotic components, sources, harmful effects, and detection methods/techniques. This review highlights the various methodologies and analyses like density separation, microscope observation of MP’s properties Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Raman spectrometer, respectively, and urges for more research in the future, giving several recommendations to maintain the pristine region near Antarctica.
Cite this article: Bhardwaj, L.K. (2024). Occurrence of microplastics (MPs) in Antarctica and its impact on the health of organisms. Maritime Technology and Research, 6(2), 265418. https://doi.org/10.33175/mtr.2024.265418
- Antarctica is a pristine land and is separated from other continents
- Microplastics (MPs) are ubiquitous in nature with a size of < 5 mm
- These tiny particles are of two types primary MPs and secondary MPs
- MP pollution occurs in the Antarctic region due to fishing, tourism, and research activities
- MPs may be carcinogenic and act as endocrine disruptors in nature
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